Thursday, April 28, 2005

April 28th, 2005

Good morning!

The newspaper has been published now and I've been able to read the beginning of the article(site starts showing whole articles after Friday afternoon). The article is called "Schoolboy the Weatherman" in English. Original title was "Koolipoisist ilmamees".

And the article is about... ME! My and my weather interest. I will go check my weather site's counter now.

Nice morning!

April 27th, 2005

I have so many news right now.

First, my weather data got its own section in - the leading weather site in Estonia, second I got again A-s in school.

My English book is about to end in school, then we start preparing for final exams this summer.
Math went very difficult today, but I hope I'll Make it until the end of the school
Got one A (5 in Estonia) in Biology.

Tomorrow, people can read about me from one countrywide newspaper called "Maaleht"(Country paper in direct translation)

Well, this was my short note about current situations over there. Bye now!

Monday, April 25, 2005

I am shocked

Hello everybody again!

I am totally shocked as I heard about the new bill from Palm Beach Post. I've always admired NWS forecasts and warnings, as they are very much forward from Estonia. But now, all these free data might be gone.

I personally hope that weather data and forecasts will stay free in the future...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

April 24th, 2005

And I am finding again time to write into my blog.

In school, I am getting still A-s(5-s in Estonia), as usual. But I have some bad news.
On Tuesday, there was a fire at my grandparents place. Roof of the basement was pretty much damaged. Some trees were damages and grass was burned. It began if my grandfather was warming the basement up using a fireplace. But one fire sparkle got out and landed on roof. Few minutes later, it was on fire. It happened approximately at 10 AM Estonian Daylight Time. I was at school that time. That the bad news would not influence my studying, parents kept it secret from me until I finish studying for Wednesday. Unfortunately they forgot it and I heard about the fire from the radio. I immediately asked: What happened yesterday in Laguja? There was told in the radio, that fire department went to distinguish fire on basement's roof. I was worried, because as I knew, only my grandfather had basement with a roof... And then I heard that it was happened at grandparents place. I was visiting grandparents as usual from Friday to Sunday. And I saw, how much it was burned. And If I saw grandfather, I flew like a thunder cloud to him and yelled: "WHAT ON EARTH YOU DID THIS WEEK?!!!" And he with his sense of humor said that he was making Saint John's day Fire! Boy I was SO ANGRY to him. I was used to have one basement for 15 years. And now???! I have to get used to new basement. This could take a years... If I went to school on Wednesday, after hearing that, I was shocked and angry... I even thought that I should go home from the middle of the schoolday... I was so nervous and if somebody laughed about the event, I sent him a very angry words! Anyway, I had to do my best to not say any swearing words... But still I am receiving A-s at school

In Math, we are already doing an old exercise. We are preparing for final exams on this June. I also have exams in English and Estonian language.

So much for now!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Life goes forward

Well, it has went pretty peacefully. Got another A at school on Monday and we experienced one thunderstorm.

One of my classmates was beaten today by one 7th grade student in school today. Police and beater's mother was called to the school.

As I said, Life goes forward and I don't have nothing to tell... One bad news still: I'll move to grandparents place in August and I cannot use Internet connection there. So the blogging will be over ;(

Saturday, April 09, 2005

April 8th, 2005

Last evening went peacefully. I was programming and studying for today...

This morning, I woke up at 6:00. I went to school against my will. I wanted to watch Papal funeral, but I had to be at school. Althought I was able to see it about for a hour and listened the end of the funeral from Finnish radio channel Radio Peili.

But I was very bad mood, because I didn't see the whole telecast. I hope I am not working or begin at school during the next historical event...

Good news from school: I got one A today

Tonight there is solar eclipse in USA, Tahiti and Mexico... I hope to see any webcasts...

Tarmo Tanilsoo

Thursday, April 07, 2005

April 7th, 2005 - Special bulletin

I just heard it 3 hours ago: My grandmother is very ill again. She has pains in her stomach. My mom called ambulance for her. Prayers are requested and I hope that she will feel better soon

Meanwhile, I finished new version of my Metar Retriever. It can also decode some data. Going to study for tomorrow's school now.

April 7th, 2005

Day is begun. 8:25 in the morning according to my computer clock. My web monitor is still alerting about tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings. Tornadoes are right now in Mississippi, and some severe thunderstorms also in Alabama. First weather observation of this day was pretty cold. Only two degrees above zero. Ouch!

Meanwhile I discovered that one other Estonian weather enthusiast has joined He is also a user of my Estonian weather forum. So I'm not the only Estonian there now...

Morning continues and I have to start studying soon. Sky is partly cloudy.

April 6th, 2005

I am starting today at yesterday. 17,3 degrees weren't enough. Later my last post we had 17,4 degrees Celsius for a half hour. It stayed near 17 degrees til the evening. Later that evening I was studying for Russian language test and watching fairy-tale wedding from "Extreme Makeover".

And now to today, I got two A-s today at school. One in English and other one in Russian. My day wasn't over yet if school ended. After that, I went to Laguja's schoolhouse and was surfing on the web(And discovering category 3rd Northern Storm in Norway). The journalist from Maaleht arrived at 15:59. While talking and answering to questions, I showed some extra details from my Estonian weather site to the journalist. Also some pictures were taken. Journalist and photographer left at 17:04. I arrived at home and started observing weather. Mostly cloudy and 5 degrees. Brr! The evening is continuing and I start watching 7 o'clock news from TV 3. I hear the news and I think: What is going on with the world? I hear 3rd... let's make that 4th death message from the media. Death is active again like on last spring... For now, sky has went a bit clearer and temperature stays at 5 degrees. It is freezing here! Ouch!

Update: Article about my weather interest will be published on the April 28th.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Temperature reached 17,3 degrees

Temperatures reached 17,3 degrees Celsius for 15:15 Estonian Daylight time.

Next weather observation occurs at 15:30. Stay tuned at for more updates

Breaking news

Just as I finished posting my last message here I went to my thermometer. And it was showing 16,9 degrees! Nearly off the forecasts! So the temperature record of this spring was measured in Laguja at 13:58 on April 5th, 2005. I go and make a thunderstorm check now.

The first message

Good afternoon!

This is young weather fan Tarmo Tanilsoo reporting from Estonia. I'll start publishing here latest news I got.

And my blog begins:
April 5th, 2005.
Second day of Estonian thunderstorm season. My first thunder check from AM band at 11:19 Estonian time didn't show anything. Warmest temperatures of this spring are occurring now. At 13:04, temperature was 15,6 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, I meet a journalist from Maaleht(Country Paper) tomorrow. I'll be second time in the newspaper during the past two years. Boy it is windy here... Winds are blowing at least force 4 on Beaufort scale! Unfortunately I don't have wind gage or anything else. Just a thermometer. So I am unsure about the wind... But it is surely windy. I updated weather forecast for my home area, I don't see a cloud yet. European Storm forecast experiment( convective forecasts show some thunderstorms in Sweden and Norway. Pretty near to us. It is 13:44 right now, I better do a thunderstorm check and then continue studying for school tomorrow. It will be a long day tomorrow. Who knows, how much I can collect weather data tomorrow. Just walking out to my thermometer and see: 15,8! New record! I am running to add weather data to the graphs.