Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There is convection

After seeing towering cumulus clouds as rain clouds left, I've reached
conclusion that we have some kind of convective activity. TCU's are
relatively high and it is just 8 a.m.


Weather pattern has significantly changed overnight. I woke up under a
cloudy sky today and father reported it is raining... Whoa!

Monday, May 08, 2006

School scheduled on June 3!!!

I am at school right now and just heard in the math lesson that there
will be school on June 3rd too! That's Saturday! Reminds me days far
back in Soviet Union when school was from Monday to Saturday...

Schoolday has been pretty stressful today. There was a test in music
but I don't think I did it good. An old math test was returned with

As soon as I get home, I need to start making homework... Last lesson
is about to begin.

Well, gotta go now. Some people are picking on me what am I typing.
They think I am visiting rate.ee from cell phone. Don't make me laugh!
I think I am only guy in the class who came to study! Classmates
attitute clearly shows it

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Horrible event I just heard

Well, I was reading Talkweather.com forum from my cell phone and read
about tragic event with one user's ex-wife and their baby. A
completely insane driver hit the ex-wife and baby got killed. I have
no words... And I thought Estonians have bad traffic culture. Thank
god they caught that driver. Jail that driver and throw away the key!
And this is not the best punishment I can think of...

I send now my condolence to that forum user(can't remember his user
name right know). I have no words to describe your emotions you may

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Breaking news - Our cat's latest addition

Our cat Garfield has given a birth. We discovered the kitten just five
minutes ago... He-or-she seems to be name. We should start choosing
name for him-or-her now. I keep you posted

Going green

Laguja's nature has gone through a big change this week. Leaves are
appearing on trees with ultra-high speed. Week ago there weren't any
leaves, now the village is green. Meanwhile, I got a huge jackpot in
school. i had to write a school report about humidity and I found so
much material about it. Now when I have finished report I found out
that one pdf document I was using as an information source was
actually used as studying material in University of Tartu. So I
actually learned what future mets learned. We got another new
neighbours. They came to a neighbouring farm. Also I have an important
note to make. Whenever I am posting from a e-mail, the time of posting
is 10 hours behind of my local time. I can't correct it when I am
posting from wap e-mail. Right now, it is 6.34 p.m in Estonia. Oh...
Chars are out


It is pretty warm right now in my home. 23C currently outside.

Spring here... illness and stress...

Well... situation has not been very favourable for me recently. I just
got a nasty illness at the time when I last needed it. Ahh!!! I can go

Meanwhile, started blogging from e-mail because I maybe update this
blog once in half year!!!

On Thursday I launched a new podcast Laguja Radio. You can hear it
from http://www.zone.ee/lagujailm/raadio/indexen.htm (that's english
edition, german ed. is indexde.htm and estonian index.htm).

Well, I am still having a stress... At least I had to write a school
report about humidity in physics and I enjoyed that(you probably know

Well... Estonia is having huge wildfire threat right now... That
dryness should stop next week...