Friday, June 03, 2005

Exams are coming

As the final exams of Basic school are approaching, I haven't got much time to write about my living. Today I found out in school, that I got all 5-s(A-s in USA) during this quarter of the schoolyear. To make it perfect, I need to finish exams

I guess you don't know, when do I have a final exams. Well, I tell you. First one is on next Monday, on June 6th. Then, I'll have Estonian language exam. At June 10th, I'll have Maths exam. At June 15th I have written and on June 16th a verbal version of English language exam.

I started programming new program today in Qbasic. It contains different formulas about geometrical shapes. I've already finished cylinder and trapeze modules.

My relative Erik, who lives in Brazil, started a blog yesterday. Although I discovered it already yesterday, the relative's parents called my mother today and also said about him web diary. This summer, Erik will visit Estonia with his wife Juliana.

This was the little "news bulletin", this was Tarmo Tanilsoo. I wish you good night and maybe I'll write again soon

P.S. Erik and his mother do have a birthday today (June 2nd)...

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