Monday, June 06, 2005

First exam TODAY!

Good morning to everybody!

At the time, I'm writing these lines, it is a bit more than two hours before exam in Estonian language. I hope that all goes well. Many people have wished me luck. I hope that I get 5(A) from that exam. In pre-exam on late March, I was in Top 5

My graduation takes place on June 17th at 17:00 Estonian Daylight time (10:00 AM EDT, 14:00 UTC)

Meanwhile the other news. It is only 3 days till we have a visitors from Eschwege, Germany. Better learn some German words(actually I have already some skills in German)

Meanwhile, one my relative Erik Henno(former radio voice in Raadio Elmar) will arrive to Estonia next week with his wife Juliana. It is a small possibility that he can come to my graduation. We'll have a big celebration on June 17th.

Well, better end now! I hope to write today after the exam, how did it go. And I hope, that we won't have any thunderstorms during the exam. EMHI forecasted possibility of them yesterday.

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